Abortion News

Abortion Defenders Are Losing the Moral High Ground

Abortion Defenders Are Losing the Moral High Ground

Philosopher Ben Bayer provides "some observations about why I think even some of the best defenses have not been strong enough and have even conceded ground to their opponents." Link: Abortion Defenders Are Losing the Moral High Ground (New Ideal)

Texas Democrat Attempts To Restrict Abortion in Texas

Texas Democrat Attempts To Restrict Abortion in Texas

New Bill Could Require Texas Women to Take Adoption Class Before Getting Abortion: Austinist [...] Democrat and Texas State Senator Eddie Lucio from Brownsville has filed a bill that would require the state's Health and Human Services Commission to create a three-hour...

Why Men Need Abortion Just As Much As Women Do | xoJane

Why Men Need Abortion Just As Much As Women Do | xoJane

Writes Dan Solomon in Why Men Need Abortion Just As Much As Women Do | xoJane: We treat abortion like it’s something men have no part in because it’s possible for men to avoid the consequences of an unintended pregnancy. For men, sometimes it’s as simple as changing...

Wendy Davis, American Heroine

Wendy Davis, American Heroine

By Scott Holleran One lone woman stood for 10 consecutive hours against the entire Senate in the Lone Star state to defend a woman’s right to an abortion. What Texas Sen. Wendy Davis did is an example of what those of us who cherish individual rights – and our numbers...

Shades of Living Proof: Embryo Tracking

Shades of Living Proof: Embryo Tracking

Sometimes the truth is a strange as fiction. As an example take a proposed legislation in Arizona (SB 1376) that is eerily similar to the scenario presented in the fiction novel, Living Proof. Writes Jodi Jacobson on In New Push for "Personhood," Arizona Anti-Choicers...

Roe vs. Wade: Forty Years Later (Audio)

Roe vs. Wade: Forty Years Later (Audio)

The Ayn Rand Institute has just released the first episode of their new podcast Eye to Eye which focuses on Abortion and Roe vs. Wade. From their website: On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court handed down the decision on the landmark case of Roe v....

Grasping the essence of the abortion issue

Grasping the essence of the abortion issue

The two key issues to focus on are: the nature of a fetus, and the nature of individual rights. The first issue to grasp is the difference between potential and actual. A fetus is not an actual human being, but is human tissue. A fetus is only a potential human being,...

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